Now I work as a diagnostic ultrasonography specialist
at the family health centre "Dad, Mum and Baby",
195 Maxima Gorkogo Str., Nizhny Novgorod

Alexander Shabalin


1976-1982: Faculty of Paediatrics, Gorky State Medical Institute. Diploma in specialty: Paediatrics. Qualification: Physician.

1982-1983: Internship in paediatrics at the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital of Gorky.


1983-1986: District paediatrician and Physician in Chief, District Hospital, Varnavinsky District, Gorky Oblast.

1985-1987: Clinical training (residency) in paediatrics at the Gorki Research Institute of Paediatrics, Gorky.

1987: Initial specialization in diagnostic ultrasonography at the Research Institute of Paediatrics of the Medical Sciences Academy of the USSR, Moscow (Prof. I. Dvoryakovsky).

1987-1999: Junior research officer, Gorky Research Institute of Paediatrics.

While working at the Institute I published 3 articles on diagnostic ultrasonografy of hepatobiliary system in children, was given an Exhibition of Achievement of the National Economy Award, and made one proposal for improving a probe manometry evaluation method. In 1987, I took part in a practical assistance provided by the physicians from the Gorky Region to the Public Health Authorities of the Uzbekistan Republic. In 1988, in collaboration with an antenatal clinic, I took part in an annual screening for disorders of pregnancy.

1989-1991: Diagnostic ultrasonography specialist, Gorky Research Institute of Paediatrics.

1991-2012: Head of the Diagnostic Imaging Department, Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.

Jan 2013-present: Diagnostic ultrasonography specialist, Family Health Centre "Dad, Mum and Baby", Nizhny Novgorod.


Experienced computer user since 1986: DOS, OS/2, Windows, Linux, HTML.
